J.Sisk Achieves Circularity Accolade

Zero Plastic to Landfill Certification

StandardComply was involved in the certification of John Sisk company for Zero Plastic To Landfill at the Dublin Vantage Data Centre site.

Through the responsible plastic management process Sisk has recycled at least 5.6 tonnes of soft plastics, 2 tonnes of polystyrene and 6.6 tonnes of cardboard. They led this initiative in conjunction with leading waste contractors and recycling partners, Thorntons, Waste Matters and their supply chain partner, Kirbys.

The initiative has demonstrated the importance of committed partnerships and open dialogues to achieve circularity solutions and verifiable results.

The environment and the engaged partners all win in this partnership. The collected soft plastics and polystyrene have been remanufactured into usable materials such as fence posts, flower pots and insulation products implementing the key principle of the circular economy and value optimisation.

The contractor has been recognised by the Responsible Plastic Management Program (RPM) via independent certification which is in alignment with ISO/IEC 17065 procedures, with Sisk verified and certified as meeting the requirements of the Zero Plastic to Landfill requirements.

The certification includes independent auditing of the site and ultimately recording how plastic coming from the project is managed at its waste contractors: validating that the plastic does not end up in landfill.

The key message is that Zero Plastic to Landfill and is achievable and verifiable at the construction site level and throughout the construction and other businesses.