We have been developing our online certification management tool that is suitable for clients who want to digitally access and manage assurance systems and standards online and gain further guidance and understanding on criteria. The StandardComply system can be used internally benchmark and prepare evidence for the certification audit and store information that will be in a format expected by the certification body. This StandardComply system aims decrease the cost of audit preparation and increases the accuracy of information presented.
StandardComply rewarded Responsible Fishing Contract
We are delighted to have been re-awarded the contract for the responsible fishing schemes in Ireland. We will be certifying vessels for the BIM Responsible Sourcing Standard in 2025 and 2026.
Each certified vessel is now listed on the BIM website so that owners, buyers and interested parties in the seafood supply chain can be advised on the certified status of vessels.
Additional information about the Scheme is available from BIM too and can be used to advise and update interested parties.
The Scheme continues to operate as a third party certification scheme, with formal audits and certificate issues as per the international standards recognised by markets universally.
RSS Certification is recognised for seafood supplies to buyers within the Bord Bia Origin Green initiative.
A Greener Future Starts Here
From carbon assessments to waste management strategies, our team of experts tailors services to meet the unique needs of each client. By leveraging the latest industry insights and using cutting-edge technologies, we can allow clients to navigate the evolving landscape of environmental regulations and best practices, ensuring that business or personal goals can align with a validated sustainable future.
John Sisk is Certified by StandardComply for Zero Plastic to Landfill.
Leading construction firm John Sisk was recently certified by StandardComply as meeting the RPM Zero Plastic to Management Standard. This was after a year of partnership developments with key recycling partners. The plan is to roll the certification out to more EU and UK sites.